
Go Baby, Beat Army! An epic Army-Navy Game baby book

Created by Kristen Kavanaugh and Kathy Borkoski

Teach your children early about the joy of beating Army. Even if they can't read, they can shout Go Navy, Beat Army!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WOW. We're blown away by the support.
over 8 years ago – Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 05:57:44 AM

Dear Navy fans,

We're writing to say 2 things. 


2. We are funded! You helped us raise $9,000 in only 6 days! Unreal. 

On top of Navy beating Army for the 14th straight year, Navy fans from across the globe have backed Go Baby, Beat Army! 

When we started this journey, we weren't sure if there would be enough interest to make it happen. But it turns out that shipmates stick together and are just as excited as we are to share the Army-Navy game with the next generation.

Also, we are starting to get images back from our illustrator. We'll have a video update for you soon with a sneak preview!

This Book Belongs to Page!
This Book Belongs to Page!

Thank you so much!

Kathy and Kristen

P.S. THANK YOU for helping out your shipmates. Please share with any Navy parents you know that are searching for ways to indoctrinate their little ones:)

P.P.S. Beat Army!

Launch Day was Awesome!
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 04:10:21 AM

What a great day! We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much for being part of this baby-sized adventure.

We're over halfway to our goal, Navy beat Army for the 14th consecutive year, and the weather was beautiful.

I'll admit, the game had me on the edge of my seat, but Navy pulled through in the end.

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be working hard to spread the word. Because if we don't meet our goal of $9,000, our project will not be funded. We'll keep you updated and let you know the moment we hit it and you'll definitely be getting a book from us.

Thanks and Go Navy! Kathy and Kristen

Navy is Amazing!
almost 9 years ago – Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:47:13 AM

Holy cow! We are still an hour from the Army-Navy game, but Go Baby, Beat Army has gotten over 100 backers. 

Seriously, thank you so much for all your support. We can't make this book happen without you and it is looking like a very strong possibility that we are going to make our goal!

To sweeten the joy of beating Army, Kristen and I are putting an Army-Navy game wager on the line.

If our Kickstarter gets fully backed by the end of today, Kristen is going to change a dirty diaper!

And if we don't make it, I'll sing Blue and Gold with a diaper on my head. 

Please, help me make Kristen change a diaper!

Thanks again for all your support. You. Are. AMAZING!
